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Faulty airbags during car accident? Hire Matthew Lopez Law for your protection

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has publicly released a warning to Arizona drivers about possible faulty airbags in their cars, potentially causing severe injuries and possibly death during a car accident.  He warned that if there has been any work or repairs to your airbags, or you have purchased a used vehicle that has been in an accident where the airbag has been deployed, you may have a dangerous situation in your car, rather than the security of a safety mechanism you expect to be there at the time of need.  Airbags are vital for the protection of you and your passengers, and should always been installed and repaired by a reputable dealer.

If you are involved in an accident and there was an issue with airbag deployment, either not deploying or not deploying properly, and you sustained injuries, you may have a serious claim to collect for pain and suffering, medical bills and compensation for time away from your work.   Personal injury lawyer Matthew Lopez is an experienced attorney in the valley and can fight to collect any and all money that you deserve for your injuries.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident and the airbag was faulty, do not allow yourself to be out of pocket.  Contact Matthew Lopez Law immediately for a free consultation to discuss the details of your case.  Matthew Lopez can and will fight hard collect every penny possible to ease the pain and inconvenience of your injuries. Call or email Matthew Lopez today.  For more information regarding personal injury cases and car accidents.