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Liquored up Leprechauns behind the wheel: call Tempe DUI attorney

Here’s to a good week back to work after a green beer-soaked weekend.  Thousands of people turned Irish for one day to celebrate a traditional St. Patricks Day with corned beef, cabbage, green garb and of course green beer.  The drinking has become the largest part of March 17th, resulting in a high number of people asking for the day off… and often the day after as well.  Tempe has the market cornered on St. Paddy’s Day parties in the Valley with a huge festival and concert at Tempe Beach Park.  Security and police filled the area watching for liquored-up leprechauns and general bad behavior.   Police on the streets were also watching out for signs of impairment in drivers who made the mistake of driving after drinking too much.

From Friday through Monday this year, task forces made 413 arrests for DUIs around Arizona.  This number is up from the same time last year.  This is a lesson in taking chances: it is understandable why you may take the chance to drive after a few drinks.  It is not as easy as you think to tell if you are over 0.08 Blood Alcohol Level.  In fact, it takes a lot less alcohol than you think.  Police are aware of this and therefore during a drinking holiday (which is most holidays), they will look carefully for even the slightest traffic violation to use as reason to pull you over for impairment.  Once they have that reason, the door is open to conduct field sobriety tests and test your blood.  It is not worth the risk, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20.

If you were arrested over the weekend for Tempe DUI Tempe extreme DUI or Tempe felony DUI, the best chance you have to get the best outcome is to call top Tempe DUI attorney Matthew Lopez.  Tempe DUI attorney Matthew Lopez is highly trained and experienced with Tempe DUI charges and knows the best defenses to a DUI charge.  Contact Tempe DUI attorney Tempe extreme DUI attorney Matthew Lopez today for your free case evaluation and to get all of your questions answered.