Phoenix Police Are Raiding House Parties
The City of Phoenix takes alcohol related crimes extremely seriously, especially during the “party” months of summer. Now is the time that students are out of school and letting loose, and families get together at the pool or at the lake. Alcohol is often found at these celebrations. This year marks the third summer task force for City of Phoenix Police Department, in which police will be extra aware of parties that can get our of control, underage drinking, unsafe firearm use, and other related criminal activity.
Dubbed “Operation Safe Summer,” the goal of course is to keep the city and its residents safe, healthy and crime-free. The summer task force this year will be focused on gang-related activities called “party crews.” Party crews organize parties and charge entrance fees to drink as much as you can. These parties can easily get out of control and end up with fights, gunfire, underage drinking (MIP and MIC), dangerous binge drinking, and driving under the influence (DUI). Last April, an 18-year-old was killed during gun fire at his own party when uninvited guests showed up and refused to leave. Police are urging parents to talk to their kids about party crews and to encourage them to be very cautious about attending parties thrown by people they don’t know.
Know Your Rights Before Speaking with Police
Operation Safe Summer last year in Phoenix resulted in 835 arrests. People of all ages must be cautious when drinking at a party or at a bar, and make sure to arrange for a ride home, whether it is a taxi or a designated sober driver. Phoenix Police will be out in full force all summer looking for signs of alcohol-related crimes and will show little tolerance for such behavior. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe and out of jail by practicing responsible drinking activity.