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Underage Drinking At Arizona State University

Downtown Phoenix ASU Campus

Classes are almost back in session at Arizona State University.  Thousands of students are moving into their new homes, getting acquainted with their roommates, and preparing for the semester to start.  Many of these students are under the age of 21 therefore not legally allowed to drink alcohol.  The law, however, is not enough to stop underage drinking from happening on and around the ASU campuses, now located in Tempe, downtown Phoenix, Mesa, and Glendale, Arizona.  Downtown Phoenix ASU campus is thriving since it moved its journalism, nursing, and teaching colleges to the area.  Along with the main hubs for these undergrad programs, ASU has built student housing, creating a true campus setting where students can live, study, eat, and play all in one place.  The downtown Phoenix area has seen an explosion of residents due to ASU moving in, and along with the financial benefits of money spent at restaurants and hotels comes the challenges of underage drinking.

Phoenix is New to Large-Scale Underage Drinking

Tempe has long been a hot spot of underage drinking.  Local restaurants, bars, security guards and Tempe Police Department have well-established procedures to minimize the minor in possession and minor in consumption crimes (one example is the 2015 Operation Safe and Sober).  The state’s capital, however, is new to all of the issues associated with such a mass of underage students.  The city has a lot to provide for young people looking for social fun including hundreds of bars and restaurants.  These establishments and the local police department will have a steep learning curve ahead of them this year to get ahead of these potentially dangerous activities.

Why Hire an Attorney for a Phoenix MIP or Phoenix MIC

What does this mean for the ASU student and their families? As a defense attorney with extensive Arizona MIP and MIC experience, I have handled these types of cases all over the state.  In years past, the largest chunk was in Tempe courts.  I have, however, had many Phoenix MIP and Phoenix MIC cases cross my desk and this school year I will be carefully watching how Phoenix PD and the courts process underage drinking cases. My previous experience means my office is two steps ahead in terms of understanding the process, and knowing the best ways to defend our clients, protect their rights and get the best outcome.

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