No Such Thing As A Minor Drug Charge
If you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges for any drug crime in Arizona, the prosecutors have no intention of going easy on you. Get help from an experienced drug charges defense attorney at Matthew Lopez Law, PLLC, right away.
Drug Possession Charges In Arizona
Possession or use of a dangerous drug is a class 4 felony in the state of Arizona. A “dangerous drug” typically refers to the possession or use of a narcotic or controlled substance. This definition excludes marijuana. Other drug charges that can be levied by the state include:
Drug Possession With Intent To Distribute
If a defendant has been arrested on charges of possession of drugs for sale (also known as drug possession with intent to distribute), they are looking at a felony charge, significant jail time and penalties. If a defendant is carrying over the threshold amount, even if the intent was not to sell, the defendant can still be charged with possession of drugs for sale.
Marijuana Manufacturing
Cultivating marijuana in Arizona is illegal and depending on the amount, an offender could face a felony charge, jail time and hefty fines.
Marijuana Possession
It is illegal in the state of Arizona to possess or use marijuana without a state-issued medical marijuana card. If convicted, a person could face jail time and/or probation. If an offender was in possession of two or more pounds at the time of arrest, they could face a stiffer punishment because it could be presumed that the offender had the intention to sell.
Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of drug paraphernalia can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Because there are a number of factors that are taken into consideration and the penalties can vary significantly, it is important that a defendant understands their rights from the beginning and always have an attorney present.
Hire The Legal Firepower You Need For A Drug Charge Defense
Do not hesitate to call Matthew Lopez Law, PLLC to set up an appointment with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. We understand Arizona’s drug laws and will examine all the factors concerning your arrest. To get started, call 602-960-1731 or use our online contact form.