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Facing sex offense charges In Phoenix

Sex offenses are taken very seriously in Phoenix, Arizona. If you are charged and convicted, make no mistake, it can change your life forever. This includes registering as a sex offender, and following the strict guidelines. The surest way to fight to avoid such a negative impact on your life is to hire a lawyer who will use every legal means to get the charges dismissed or reduced, if possible.

After your initial arrest, there are some things that you should understand about sex offenses, and how it can affect your life. If you are convicted, you should know what you need to do to comply with the state’s regulations.

What type of sex offenses would require me to register as a sex offender? 

Several sex offenses would require you to register with the state. These include:

  • Indecent exposure
  • Public sexual indecency
  • Lewd and lascivious acts
  • Infamous crimes against nature
  • Taking a child for prostitution
  • Sexual exploitation of a minor
  • Molestation of a child
  • Sexual abuse of a child
  • Sexual conduct with a minor
  • Sexual assault of a spouse
  • Sexual assault

What happens if my crime did not involve physical sexual contact? 

If the crime didn’t involve any contact with the victim, but the judge deems it to be sexually motivated, there is every possibility you may still be ordered to register as a sex offender. An example of a crime like this is “sexting” a minor. Even if the victim wanted to receive the texts, it is still a crime. The same is true if you were involved in a consensual sexual relationship with a minor, which constitutes statutory rape. This is also an offense that would require you to register as a sex offender.

Do I have to register as a sex offender if I was charged as a juvenile? 

If you were arrested for a sex crime in Phoenix, or anywhere in the state of Arizona as a juvenile, you would not be required to register as a sex offender. Even if your crime would require you to do so as an adult, you don’t have to if you were charged as a juvenile. However, the judge could order you to register when your turn 25. This is entirely up to the judge, and it is often based on the crime that you committed.

How soon do I have to register as a sex offender in Arizona? 

If you were sentenced to time in prison, you are required to register within ten days after your release. If you fail to do so, it is a class 4 felony, and you could end up severing over three years in jail. If you do not go to prison, you have ten days after you are sentenced to register.

Can I have my sex offender registration requirement removed in Arizona? 

It is highly unlikely that you can have your sex offender requirement removed. Your only chance is if your lawyer can have your case dismissed or lowered to a lesser charge. If this doesn’t happen, you are required to register. However, not all crimes will put you on the registry for life. Different sex offenses receive different ratings, and the rating would determine how long you need to register.

  • Level 1: This is the lowest risk category, and you are required to register for 15 years.
  • Level 2: This is a moderate risk level, and you are required to register for 25 years.
  • Level 3: This is for high risk and violent offenders, and you are required to register for life.

Being a registered sex offender can make it challenging to find a job, a place to live, and even to make new friends. There is a stigma on sex offenders that follow you as long as you are on the registry and even after. The best way to avoid being forced to register in the first place is to hire a lawyer who specializes in sex offenses right away. Your lawyer can work with the prosecutors to have your charges lessened so that you won’t need to register. Hiring a lawyer is the best way to protect yourself and your future.